
Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Increase Smart Phone Battery Life

How to Increase Smart Phone Battery Life
People have many complained about battery life of smart phones. People are not satisfied with the battery life of smart phones.

 Phone are getting smarter, but are their batteries?

As more of us gravitate to smartphones with features such as Web surfing, e-mail and video, we’re putting more demands on cell phone batteries. And, while cell phones are evolving, batteries really aren’t, experts say. It’s up to the individual user to take charge, so to speak, and do a better job of managing battery life.
Many people said that smart phone battery is not that good in compare of their old phones. What you think is it true? No! Battery is improved one from those old phones but the features of these new phones have increased too and that causes the lots of battery usage.
And because of this new technology and features people are using this phone more in a day in compare of those old phones.  And because of that also battery decrease fast.
Here are some basic steps by which you can increase your battery life. It will not increase that much that your phone will be live without charging for straight two days. But you will notice the changes.

 3G mode - First switch off the 3G mode of your phone if you aren’t using it. This mode can cause fast battery draining.

Wi-Fi - Switch off the Wi-Fi too if you aren’t using it. Wi-Fi can also eat much battery.

GPS - Similarly check that your GPS is not open unnecessarily. GPS can eat lots of power. Many apps open this GPS feature automatically while we open them. So keep checking daily.

Brightness - When you are at home try to use your smart phone on low brightness. it will affect your battery power.

Internet unnecessary notifications - Also close unnecessary notifications which are using Internet. Like Facebook notifications which are always using Internet to check your Facebook updates. And Internet and all those notifications will eat the more power. Similarly check these things for other apps too. And off the notifications for apps which are unnecessarily on.

Bluetooth - Many people used to open their Bluetooth 24 hours. This can affect the battery too. So better use this feature when it require. And don’t forget to off it when we complete the work.

Unnecessarily running Application - Check daily that some apps are not running in background unnecessarily. Many people used to just go to home page directly by pressing home page button during playing games. And because of that that game keeps running in back ground and which can affect the battery. So check them daily and close those background running apps.

Use simpler wallpaper for your screen’s background, lower your phone’s volume and turn off vibrate mode. By now, you’re probably crying and wondering why you bought that beautiful smartphone with all its bells-and-whistles. But all is not lost. Balance your mobile phone’s settings between usefulness, attractiveness and battery life.

These are very basic things. But many people are just ignoring it. So just follow it and surely you will notice your battery life improved for a day in your smart phones.